
Why I needed to shut down everything

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott

I have a story for you today about my overworked WIFI router. (Spoiler: this story really isn’t about my router. :) )

A couple of weeks ago my router was giving me major problems – among other things, some of my devices kept dropping their WIFI connections.

It was as if they WANTED to connect, but they just couldn’t.

I’d see the WIFI icon pop on and I’d start working, but then my laptop would suddenly starting buffering and it would fall back off – honestly it was driving me a little cr…

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Nourishing Evening Routine

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It’s amazing how one little habit and mindset shift can turn everything around.

I’ve shared a couple of stories recently about my personal experience with morning routines.

I thought it’d be a good idea to talk a little bit about my nighttime routine! Because it plays a huge role in my wellness.

As a life coach, some days are crazy busy, and they also can be pretty physically demanding.

And a lot of the time, I used to get to the end of the day feeling WIPED OUT.

I’m all about keeping it re…

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Night Owl?


Are you one of those people who likes to burn the midnight oil?

That means you probably fall into the NIGHT OWL category … which is linked with being open-minded and creative.

But as it also turns out, people who are night owls are more likely to be LESS ACTIVE than early birds.

Plus, being a night owl is associated with a higher risk of many health issues.

But scientists say with a few routine shifts, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Check out these studies:

  • Study 1: In a study published…

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Recipe for Sleep - Chamomile Chai


I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better!

Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax.

It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies … and it also tastes great. 

Each ingredient in this recipe is believed to have sleep-inducing benefits. 

Chamomile Chai

(serves 1)

1 cup (240 ml) oat milk (or your favorite milk variety)

1 chamomile tea bag

Dash or two of cinnamon and turmeric

1 tsp hon…

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Up to 85% of Us Start Our Day With This


I was not surprised when I saw this fact a while ago.

Did you know that there is a drug that 85% of us use every single day?

If you’re one of them, I have a little assignment for you. :) No, I am not going to ask you to quit.

It’s caffeine … and we use it to get going in the morning, power through workouts or work, and keep us going through the mid-afternoon slump.

The upside of caffeine?

  • It gives you energy
  • It boosts your alertness and ability to concentrate
  • It can come in beverages fi…

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How a Life Coach Starts Her Day


If you’ve been keeping up this month, you’ll know we’ve been diving deep into the power of routines. Especially routines that help you get your day off to a GREAT start.

I thought it might be helpful to see what my own personal morning routine looks like!

When I made my own lifestyle transformation a few years ago, I overhauled my mornings and I haven’t looked back.

My #1 priority for my own morning routine: Start my day in a calm, peaceful way so that I feel centered.

6 a.m. – Wake up, drin…

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Start Your Day with a Great Morning Routine


Did you have a great morning today!?

If you did, it probably wasn’t by accident. You either:

  1. Made the decision (even if you didn’t consciously do it!) when you woke up to have a GREAT morning. And/or …
  2. It was great by DEFAULT because you’ve created your own morning routine that set you up for a successful day!

What you do in the morning can set the tone for the ENTIRE day.

It’s kind of like the domino effect.

And it’s not just the “day” that gets set up for success …. it actually creat…

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Are You a Fan of Routines?


First, I want to wish you a very happy Labor Day! I hope you get outside and have some FUN today! 

Do you ever struggle to get out of the house in time for work/school – with no plan or schedule.

Have you experienced a “clothing” emergency? Is there frequently a daily last-minute struggle to slap deli meat or peanut butter between two slices of bread to bring for lunch … as well as some yelling and sometimes even a few tears?

Not to mention fighting over the bathroom! Or doing battle over the…

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In the "Flow"


Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you felt “in the flow”?

Wasn’t it GREAT?

You had LOTS of energy, your sleep was on track, you felt productive, and you were positive and optimistic. Not to get woo-woo … but you felt “in sync.”

Chances are, one big reason was that your body was running in its natural rhythm – basically, following your body clock. And it turns out there’s nothing woo-woo about it.

I have a quick and powerful tip to get back to that feeling if you’ve lost it.…

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Good Morning/Good Night Ritual Workbook

Ritual Cover Page

Here’s something I’ve come to realize about daily routines: When you have one that works for you, it helps you live your best life!

And when you don’t have one that works for you, you ALWAYS feel like you’re playing catch-up.

This has been true for me … and it’s also been true for my clients!

That’s why I’ve created my latest eBook, the Good Morning, Good Night Ritual Guide + Workbook.

It’s designed to help you create routines that reduce stress, make your daily life easier, AND move you for…

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