Body Wellness
The Marvel of Walking
Have you taken a walk today? If not, you may want to pay close attention to this.
You might have heard that 10,000 steps is a MUST for optimal health…
But new research shows that only 8,200 steps is enough to protect you from some of the most common chronic diseases!
In a recent 4-year review of over 6,000 FitBit users in the “All of Us” medical project, researchers found that just 8,200 steps can protect you against:
- Obesity
- Sleep Apnea
- Heartburn & Reflux
- Major Depression Disorder
I Hate Leftovers!
Tell me if you can relate…
A lot of people tell me one of the reasons they don’t bulk meal prep is because either they or someone in their home won’t eat leftovers.
Understandable! I'm not crazy about warmed-over food either!
But guess what? It’s still possible to get all of the time-saving and stress-busting benefits of meal prepping WITHOUT having to eat last night’s dinner!
Here’s how: instead of cooking entire meals in advance, you cook and/or prep your INGREDIENTS ahead of time.
- Pro…
Bach Flower Essence Therapy
Bach Flower Essences
Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.
Dr. Edward Bach
Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets. The remedies are preserved in grape based brandy and are gluten free
The original Bach Flower Remedies are a safe and natural method of healing dis…
Your Mindset and Your Results
I read an interesting study the other day that uncovered something pretty incredible about how our bodies work.
Take a look at this…
Scientists gave a group of people a shake to drink.
Half of the group was told the shake was LOW in calories and nutrients...
While the other half was told it was HIGH in calories and nutrients.
As you might have guessed, everyone was given the exact same shake.
Now here’s where it gets interesting.
The group who thought they got the low-calorie shake was …
I’ve got a big confession for you today … and yes, this happens to coaches, too.
The other day I was just not into being “healthy.” I wasn’t in the mood for the lunch I made … the dinner I planned … or getting outside for some fresh air.
I don’t know why, exactly, but I was dreading it, and I kept finding things to do INSTEAD of what I had originally planned.
It wasn’t because I needed a day off. It was just one of those days.
So here’s what I did …
I laced up my sneakers and went outside f…
You're Welcome! My 3-Step Excuse Buster
Has this ever happened to you before?
You’re planning on making dinner after work … but as soon as it’s time to start cooking, you start to think:
- I'm too tired
- I don’t know what to make
- I'm too hungry to wait that long
- I have too much to do
- I'm stressed
- I really just want to watch something on Netflix
- etc.
And you’re tempted to give in and hit the drive-through (or make the takeout call).
I get it!
By the end of the day, making dinner can seem like a LOT of effort in your head…
This Could Have Been Really Bad...
I’m going to tell you a little story about a crazy week I had a while back. And I’m sharing this because I’m 99.9% sure you can relate.
It all started when my schedule suddenly became unexpectedly crazy (work & home).
Which meant I didn’t get a chance to work out as much as usual, or even get outside to take a walk.
And because I was busy, my food choices were more “grab & go” than normal. And, of course, I didn't sleep well.
Which made everything feel even crazier, which made me crave even…
Are You a Stress Eater?
If you've ever had a stressful day (or year) that affected your eating habits, you are NOT alone.
In a study, more than 75% of adults said that stress played a role in their eating during the past month.
This included overeating eating junk foods, or not eating. Many of them said it happened weekly.
They also said it made them feel sluggish, lazy, disappointed in themselves, and/or irritable.
The good news is that I have a few tips below to stop stress from getting in the way of your results…
Your Personal Energy Crisis
Did you know we are in a personal energy crisis? Studies show that most adults feel tired at least three days a week, and some of us even feel tired every day.
I’m going to be focusing a lot this month on how you can actually CREATE more personal energy.
And I’m kicking it off with a completely achievable list of ways you can set yourself up for a high-energy day.
The best part is that none of these suggestions will take you a long time … and they actually WORK!
9 Easy Morning Habits to Boo…
Strengthening Your Immune System
I’ve got a hot topic for you in this email. And if you ask me, it hasn’t gotten enough attention over the past couple of years.
It’s your immune system, and here’s why I think it needs more attention.
Your immune system is basically like your very own Marvel superhero universe, working hard to protect your body 24/7 from invaders.
Here’s the overlooked part: when you strengthen your immune system, you actually create a fitter, stronger, leaner, and healthier body.
Strengthening your immune …