
Goal Setting

Choose Your Top 5 "Influencers" Consciously


You’ve set goals. You’re super psyched. And then you tell your family and friends about it and …

whomp whomp. 

Much to your surprise, they aren’t super psyched. In fact, they might even roll their eyes and say something like “here we go again” or “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 

And some may even get upset about your goals … because it could mean fewer nights out or changing up your family routine! 

It’s pretty normal for this to happen. 

In fact, it’s one of the top concerns I hear from n…

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I'm Really Not Motivated


“How do you stay so motivated?”

People ask me this ALL THE TIME

Fact: I don’t! …. So I work at it! 

Motivation is like a muscle – the more you flex it, the stronger it becomes.

But what do you do to get your motivation “muscle” in shape in the first place?

You find ways to intentionally keep yourself motivated!

I’ve put together a list of proven ways to build motivation right into your healthy habits.

  1. Make it fun! Try a new recipe. Do a new workout (working with a fitness pro is a no-br…

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Don't Get Ahead of Yourself


“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

That phrase used to drive me crazy when I was a kid! It felt like grown-ups were always trying to hold me back.

But they weren’t. They wanted me to reach my goals – and I’m sharing this with you today to help YOU reach your own goals.

→ The only thing you can control is what you do TODAY.

It’s human nature to want to speed ahead – to focus on where you want to be, instead of where you are now.

But the fastest route to your goals is to focus on TODAY.

Your act…

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Keep Going!


Keep going!

If you’re struggling right now with your goals, it’s NORMAL. 

Keep going.

If you’ve slipped up with your “clean eating” goals, make sure the VERY NEXT thing you eat is a healthy choice. Remember: you’re always just one meal or snack from a healthy diet.

If you’re feeling *this close* to giving up any of your other healthy habits – just keep going.

It’s not about striving for perfection. NO ONE is perfect – we ALL struggle. It’s part of being human.

But what separates those who …

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How NOT to Reach Your Goals This Year


I love to focus on the positive!

Well, in this article I’m going to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year.

Because there’s one big mistake you can make that can push you into a HUGE trap – and you’ll end up feeling frustrated, burned out, and like a quitter.

Here’s how it happens:

You set some HUGE goals for the New Year (yay!!!!). 

Starting NOW, you will finally get your you-know-what together.

You’ll drink  ALL the water … eat super-clean food (and journal every bite) … be extra…

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The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing


Have you noticed how New Year’s resolutions have this way of turning into gigantic projects?

You tell yourself: “I’m going to start working out 3 times a week.”

Then suddenly you realize you need to get some new sneakers, a new set of workout clothes, and maybe even shop for some protein powder while you’re at it.

The list keeps growing — and before you know it? It’s February and you haven’t even started.

The thing is, the new workout clothes, the shoes, the protein powder… It's all just bus…

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You're Welcome! My 3-Step Excuse Buster


Has this ever happened to you before? 

You’re planning on making dinner after work … but as soon as it’s time to start cooking, you start to think:

  • I'm too tired
  • I don’t know what to make
  • I'm too hungry to wait that long
  • I have too much to do
  • I'm stressed
  • I really just want to watch something on Netflix
  • etc.

And you’re tempted to give in and hit the drive-through (or make the takeout call). 

I get it! 

By the end of the day, making dinner can seem like a LOT of effort in your head…

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The Number 1 Enemy of Your Goals


If you could call out the #1 enemy of your goals, what would it be?

There are so many to choose from:

  • Not having enough time
  • Lack of support
  • Not knowing what to do
  • Your genetics
  • Pizza

The list goes on and on!

But what if I told you that none of those things are actually your enemy. (Seriously!)

That’s because … drumroll … the number one thing standing in between you and your goals is:


We can ALL get in our own way from time to time. 

Here are just a few ways we let it happen…

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This D-Word is a Game-changer


Setting goals is great. 

And setting FUN and meaningful goals is even better. 

But what happens AFTER you light that spark of motivation?

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

“Motivation will get you going, but discipline will keep you growing.”

The other day I mentioned how our brains are hardwired to like trying new things (aka fun goals).

Well, I believe we’re also hardwired to admire discipline.

Just think of all the inspirational movies that have become classics over the years!

Rocky, …

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Take Action to Get Results


The other day I outlined the only success formula you’ll ever need to get the results you’re after.


But there’s something you can do to make that winning formula a MAGIC formula. 

It’s probably the only “hack” or “secret” I endorse (because it just plain WORKS).

Identify your top 2-3 specific actions that will get you there the fastest (safely).

And then just give THOSE your attention and focus. Don’t let yourself get bogged down with all…

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